
Fun Ways to Personalize Your Braces

Fun Ways to Personalize Your Braces

Braces are an effective solution to help straighten your smile and correct dental misalignment. However, many kids and teens aren’t thrilled at the idea of wearing metal brackets and wires on their teeth. However, braces don’t have to be boring or unattractive! There...

What Can I Eat After Having a Tooth Extracted?

What Can I Eat After Having a Tooth Extracted?

“Will I be able to eat after the procedure?” This is one of the most common questions patients have about tooth extractions. Like many restorative dental treatments, extractions may leave you with some oral discomfort and will require a brief recovery period before...

Answering the Most Common Questions About Veneers

Answering the Most Common Questions About Veneers

If your teeth have severe staining or discoloration that can’t be corrected with whitening treatments, you might have wondered about the possibility of dental veneers. Dental veneers can correct a wide range of cosmetic dental issues and are an increasingly popular...

How to Reduce Sugar Cravings for Better Oral Health

How to Reduce Sugar Cravings for Better Oral Health

Your mouth contains both good and bad bacteria. When you eat a lot of sugary foods, harmful bacteria produce acids that remove some of the minerals from your tooth enamel. Although your saliva consistently restores the mineral content of your enamel, the process...

Why You Shouldn’t Wait to Restore Damaged Teeth

Why You Shouldn’t Wait to Restore Damaged Teeth

Injuries, tooth decay, and gum disease can ruin your smile and impact your overall oral health in a myriad of ways. Unfortunately, many people with damaged teeth often ignore the numerous restorative treatment options available to them. A damaged tooth can prevent you...

Answering the Most Common Questions About Wisdom Teeth

Answering the Most Common Questions About Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth often cause problems and need to be removed. It’s common to wonder why we have these teeth in the first place and whether it’s necessary to have them removed. The following are answers to some of the most common questions about wisdom teeth: What are...

How to Clean Your Teeth With Braces

How to Clean Your Teeth With Braces

Cleaning your teeth when you have braces can seem tedious at first, but don’t let this discourage you from looking after your oral health. While braces are an excellent solution to correct misaligned teeth and enhance your smile, they can easily trap food particles...

Plaque vs. Tartar: Differences and Prevention

Plaque vs. Tartar: Differences and Prevention

Your teeth are covered by enamel, which makes them hard, durable, and able to handle wear and tear for many years. However, by allowing plaque to build up and harden on your tooth enamel, you increase the risk of developing tartar and associated oral health issues....